About Me
Well, hello.
So, you are here reading these lines to get to know something more about me?
Do you know that there is a little bio already? Sure you know it, same as me, but I will be honest with you.
I wanted some story to be pinned on my profile, and as no one is reading my pinned stories anyway, I thought that if this place will be occupied by this one, nothing bad happens.
But back to the main topic, I mean, back to me.
As you can already see from the name of my profile, my name is Petr Sobotka.
Classic Middle European name and yes, I am actually from the middle of Europe — specifically, it is Czechia (or Czech Republic, how do you like).
And yes, even though the name changed over three decades ago and I was born in Czechoslovakia, it is not Czechoslovakia anymore.
So, yes, I am also over three decades old, well, almost four at the time of writing this, but not there yet. It will still take several full moons to pass before there will be that four in the first position.
If you ask my wife about my age, she will tell you that I am still like a kid or maybe like a senior almost ready for the journey to the grave, depends on point of view I guess ;).
But let’s ditch speaking about my age, it is only a number anyway.
Yup, I am happily married, I have two kids, two dogs, and there is maybe even two fish in the aquarium.
But I must admit that I have not been checking them lately, so I am not sure if they are still alive. I mean the fish, not the kids. Kids are alive more than one would welcome, as they are going through their pubertal years.
And how did I behave as a kid? I think I was a calm one, not kind of any rascal or anything like that.
As a kid, I found a love for computer games, fast music, and playing basketball, while all of that defined me.
Or at least I think that these were, next to my parents, what had the most impact on me during that time.
Spending a lot of time on a computer playing games and trying to adjust the whole system to perform better taught me a lot about electronics and IT overall.
And it was mainly the experience gathered that helped me to find a job in the IT industry.
However, the first bigger company where I stayed some time was Citibank, where I learned a lot about customer relationships and customer care overall.
That, coupled with my passion for IT stuff, allowed me to apply for another position in AVG Technologies, a former company developing security solutions — mainly antivirus ones.
And finally, from that one, I went into NetSuite, which later on became Oracle NetSuite — and worked for this company until now, for almost ten years in a row.
I will not go deep into the details of my professional life, but if you are interested in it for some reason, you can check my LinkedIn profile for that.
But as I said, it was not only computer games that I enjoyed as a kid (and that I often write about now), it was also basketball that was a big part of my growing up.
I played for Sokol Židlochovice, it was a small team, but I learned so much during that time.
Now, as an adult, I do not play professionally myself, but I become a basketball coach for the youngest kids, and well, it is so much fun to see everything from the other side.
A part of my writing is dedicated to this awesome sport, and looking forward, I think there will be much about to write about, as our team will be finally participating in the league.
Now shortly, if I should count off additional hobbies, then it would be gardening, coding and scripting, tabletop games, and lately hockey, but only as a passive watcher for the latest one.
And of course, writing.
I found joy and passion in writing only lately, and even though I had ambitions to try it several times previously, it was the time when I discovered the possibility to publish my thoughts here on Medium that I started to take it a bit more seriously.
So, yea, here I am, happy to see all of you around.
I really enjoy reading all the stories and articles of yours — it is a fascinating journey to discover something new every day.
And of course, on the other side, it is really nice and awesome to see that there are people who like to read my work.
Thank you, thank you all for your time spent on my stories.
I really appreciate that.
So, that was everything about me. However, the story does not end here, as I plan to continue writing it for more years, hopefully.
Also, now that you know a bit about me, you might be interested in what I have written about you.